Enterprise Diagnostic
Time spent on intelligence gathering is never wasted.
Understanding where you are, and what the journey ahead is going to look like, is a fundamental of enterprise improvement. Normally conducted as part of our Evaluate phase, getting a current, unbiased assessment of how things really are is often seen as a benefit in its own right.
We have several enterprise diagnostic formats at our disposal to suit the particular requirements of your support programme.
This free diagnostic looks at 6 key features of an Operational Excellence programme and, whilst it may not reflect every aspect of your vision, it will cover most of the areas you might need to consider. At the very least, it will help you put a stake in the ground for your current state, and will assist you in your improvement planning effort.
It will help position your site or organisation against the maturity curve and can be used to share best practice across group companies.
Click on the link or scan the QR code for access to the form and your summary will be emailed to you on completion.
If you decide that you wish a more comprehensive, tuned diagnostic that is aimed at:
- Business /Acquisition or Merger
- Business Turnaround
- New business expansion
then please email us for an informal discussion and to arrange a visit.
We hope you find the diagnostic interesting and informative, and if you have any questions, queries, or areas of uncertainty, please contact us.