2021 October

Pilgrim News

Front Foot Thinking – and how to make meetings more productive

This is a follow on, as promised, from a previous musing on the subject of Standards and Discipline and will touch on how we make

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Pilgrim News

Leaders – born, made and otherwise

I was stuck in Frankfurt Airport with a cup of coffee and a delayed flight to look forward to. I spend a lot of time in airports waiting on delayed flights with the obligatory coffee in hand, but I digress.

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Pilgrim News

Belted Bullshido

I was once asked what my ‘highest level of Lean 6 Sigma Belt’ was. 

Technically, by the many and vague measures that currently exist, I’m a Master Black Belt, however, as I penned my usual barbed response to Bullshido requests,

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Pilgrim News

Goal setting – dreams, wishes and being SMART.

Goal setting – dreams, wishes and being SMART.

Goals. We all have them. Personal goals, business goals, life goals, career goals, whatever.

Unless you are the Scotland football team, goals are our bread and butter. We all have an idea

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Pilgrim News

Fad Wars, Fad Shaming and ‘keeping it basic’.

Fad Wars, Fad Shaming and ‘keeping it basic’.

There has been a lot of talk on various platforms on the topics of Fads and their proliferation in the world of business improvement, self-development, and almost every field of human interaction.

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Pilgrim News

Standards and Discipline

The Japanese instilled a really strong mindset in me that that centres around two things: Standards and Discipline. In a ‘similar, but different’ way, the military refer

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